El Dorado MHP FAQ

Frequently asked questions (and answers!)


What is this website all about?
This is the resident community portal for the El Dorado Mobile Home Park (MHP) in Sunnyvale, California. It will assist in communication and coordinating community nourishing events to help us get to know our neighbors and support each other to make a safer and more enjoyable living environment.

What it is

  • A place where you can learn about your neighbors that have chosen to participate and find things in common to develop friendships.
  • A focal point for social and safety events and information to allow easy planning, registration, and participation in community events.
What it is and is not
  • This website is not part of the Newport Pacific Management Company that owns and operates El Dorado MHP.
  • This website is not part of the Mobile Home Village online manufactured home marketplace which has a focus of manufactured home sales including those at El Dorado MHP.
  • It is not a site to contact the park mangement about park maintenance or rent administration
  • It is not a social media hub like NextDoor where you can share opinions about anything or complain about other people's behavior.

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Last Modified: May 06 2024 @ 10:01 PDT