El Dorado MHP FAQ

Frequently asked questions (and answers!)


How is this different from the NextDoor app/website?
This is different from NextDoor in the following ways:
  • It is only for the residents of the El Dorado park, so we don't have to sift through stuff that does not pertain to us.
  • It is not supported by advertising, so no adds.
  • It is not like a typical social media space where the platform owners want everyone to post a lot to increase advertising revenue opportunities. This means there is not a lot of "noise" about things most of the community does not care about.
  • It is focused on providing information focused on developing relationships and having fun with our neighbors and having a single contact point for information important for the safety and well being of the community.
There is no reason that you can not belong to both communities, and choose how much time you want to spend with each.

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Last Modified: May 06 2024 @ 10:01 PDT