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Password Recovery

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How to recover/reset your password
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All users have login accounts, which enables edit capability for their own personal information and ability to participate in events. Each person has a login or username and a password. Upon initial creation of the account, a random password is generated end emailed to the user. At any time, you may change your password (if you still remember the original) or reset your password.

Changing Your Password

If you know your password and want to change it, go to the website, click on the Login link in the avigation bar at the bottom of the page. At the very bottom of the login form click on the Change My Password button. It will then ask you for your login, your original password and what you want your new one to be. Fill that out and click on the Update My Password button at the bottom of the page. If you don't remember you login or password, click on the Forgot My Password and follow instructions below.

(Re)setting Your Password

If you do not remember your password or your temporary password from a previous password reset has expired, go to the website, click on the Login link in the navigation bar at the bottom of the page. At the very bottom of the login form click on the Forgot My Password button. It will then ask you for an email address. The system will then generate a temporary password and email it to you. In the email will be a web link and you can click on that will allow you to reset you password.

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Last Modified: November 11 2023 @ 11:59 PST